Carpal Tunnel Syndrome quiz

Quiz: Do You Understand Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Test your knowledge by answering the following questions:


Most patients experience numbness in the middle of the day rather than at night or in the morning.

Most patients experience numbness at nighttime or in the morning, as the tendons swell overnight. After they wake up and move their fingers, the fluid moves out of the tendons and the numbness usually goes away.

In more severe cases, pain can radiate up to the shoulder.

As carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms worsen, patients experience numbness and pain in the daytime whenever the wrist is bent or extended. Pain is felt in the palm of the hand and the forearm, with occasional radiation up to the shoulder.

Hyperthyroidism is a risk factor for carpal tunnel syndrome.

People whose jobs involve heavy gripping or vibrating tools often develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Other risk factors include hypothyroidism and inflammation of the tendons from rheumatoid arthritis. Many pregnant women develop carpal tunnel syndrome as a consequence of the swelling that they have through pregnancy.

The typical treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome includes splinting during the night.

The typical treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome includes splinting during the night. These are hard splints that help to immobilize the wrist and decrease the pressure that is being applied to the wrist.

If the condition progresses and becomes more severe, you may need surgery.

Other carpal tunnel syndrome treatment methods include anti-inflammatories, cortisone injections into your carpal canal and physiotherapy. If the condition progresses and becomes more severe, you may need surgery.

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